Sunday, December 5, 2010

Busy busy busy. Worked on Friday in the AM...that was great, then I went to see Dr. Sansone, I was supposed to go Tuesday, but she had an emergency.

She gave me a clean bill of health. I don't have to go back unless the diarrhea at night starts up again. I do get up once in the night now, for the past week, to have a BM...but no more diarrhea. I just get up, do my duty and then right back to sleep. I can live with that!

If things start up again, she will put me back on the medication, and that should take care of that!

Yesterday Jean came up in the AM and she and Sandy worked outside again. They cleaned out the yard out front and Sandy hauled all the flower pots; leaves, etc. that were out there to the back. I went out later and put up the tree lights in the cherry trees out front. I also put lights on the arbor and the front porch looks nice out there. Oh, and I put the red bows on the picket fence.

Then I came into the house and decorated the tree and the downstairs with all of our Santa collection. Next Sandy put out the lighted reindeer. Now we just have to put the candles in the windows and we are all decorated!

Sandy just came in and announced that she has the snow blower all ready to go. Does she know something I don't?

Oh, I also sliced the tip of my finger nearly off yesterday afternoon. Damned Cutco knives. It's only the third time I've done such a tune on my fingers....and have had cuts in other places from those knives. Who was to know they would still be so sharp all these years later?

Anyway, Sandy had just left to get the propane tanks for the grill filled up for the winter, so I was home alone. The aforementioned finger is on my right hand, so I was having trouble maneuvering the butterfly bandaid onto the wound. Also, the darned thing was bleeding VERY profusely....blood all over the place as I found out later--when I had to clean it all up.

After a couple of fruitless attempts to self bandage....I broke down and called Nurse Carol, who came right over and did her best to bandage me. She wasn't much better than I at it, and insisted on sticking my finger under water, which made me yelp. It really stung.

She said, "come on! Suck it've gone through surgeries and chemo and you're going to whine over a cut?!"

So I put my "big girl pants on" and sucked it up, she was right.

Later Sandy and I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Pt 1 at the Lisbon theater. Sandy thought the movie started at 4:45 so we got there a bit before 4:30....only to learn that it started at 4pm! I had already ordered the popcorn and drinks when she came in from the ticket window to tell me. I made the command decision that we see it anyway, and I was right...we missed very little of the movie.

The movie was really good and I was able to figure most of it out, despite the fact that I didn't read the book. The special effects were fabulous and the scenery was gorgeous. I give it two thumbs up. Now we wait for Part Two...and then it will be all done....

Came home and watched the Huskies beat USF in football, to get their first EVER BCS bowl invite. They will be playing in the Tostito Bowl in AZ or the Orange Bowl....can you imagine? It was a very exciting game, decided on a 52 yard field goal with 17 seconds left in the game. Sandy had gone to bed but I didn't care... I whooped when they won. She never heard a thing.

Oh last night I was naughty and I bought myself a cross country ski set, boots, poles, skis and bindings, on sale from LL Bean. I'm so excited. They had a great sale and I couldn't resist. I haven't been able to go skiing for a few years bindings were wrecked and I couldn't get them replaced....they didn't make them anymore. So, for years I've wanted another X Country outfit....and soon I will have it! Now I just hope for snow.


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