Thursday, January 7, 2010

Watching Jamelle's Cincinnati team

do a good job against the Huskies. UConn is winning, but Cincinnati can exit the court with their heads held high.
My rough patch continues to today...but tonight I think I've had a break-through. I've had bad cramps on and off and waves of nausea...the thing I hate most. I even had to break into my Zofran, the anti nausea med they give me when I'm having chemo. I think I get nausea as a reaction to the stomach cramps...the pain would get so intense.

I haven't been taking the pain med for the past few days. Well, now I'm going to stop taking the stool softener and the Miralax as I don't think I need it and they are the reason I'm cramping up.

I do believe that I have hit on the winning formula for success.

The nurse called me today while I was out getting my hair cut to find out if I had scheduled my CT scan that the doctor wants me to get prior to my first chemo. WHAT???!!! I had no idea that she wanted me to have a CT scan. So I had her arrange one for Tuesday and Backus Hospital agreed to give me two bottles of my favorite drink so I don't have to drive all the way to Providence to get them. UGH.....I hate CT scans. I have had so many of those damned things this year it's a wonder I don't have a certain glow about me.

Tomorrow I go get my teeth cleaned, then Charmine picks me up at 11 and we head to Boston to get Maria. Lunch somewhere and then we head to Ogunquit. It will be a long day tomorrow. Hope I make it! I think I'll nap in the car as we drive to Beantown and then take another nap after we get to the hotel. I'll also have my 5 hour energy drink, which works GREAT for me. I have four of them to get me through the weekend.

The game just ended and it brought tears to my eyes to see Jamelle hug Geno, the coaches and the players. She's going to be interviewed in a few minutes. I won't miss it.

Sandy took down all the interior Christmas decorations today. I felt bad for her, she had to shlep everything up two flights of stairs to the attic. I think we should store them in the cellar...but that's just me. The outside lights are still up, but they will have to wait.

I'm excited but nervous about the weekend. Wish me luck, that I'll make it through with no problems. I'll have Maria and Charmine mothering me I'm sure....and Anne Marie is a nurse, so I'm all set.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I'm listening to the Charlie Sheen 911 call on Howard Stern and I have to agree with Howard, how can Hollywood give him awards? How come his workplace isn't considered a hostile work environment? The guy is a monster. Howard says, "he's got enough money to get into therapy, come on, get some help."

Anyway, things have been crappy here. I just don't feel well, very tired, draggy and low grade achy. Almost like I have a flu, but I don't. I stopped taking the pain meds a couple of days ago and seem to be doing fine with that. I'm hoping that the fatigue goes away soon, I'm getting so tired of it! ha ha!

I do have my energy drinks to take to Maine, so I should be able to do just fine this weekend, if I'm still tired. The drinks and taking some naps should work.

We really enjoyed watching the Huskies win their bowl game on Saturday. I was so happy for Coach Edsall and the team, they have been through so much this year, with Jazz Howard being murdered, losing three games by single digits and then winning four in a row at the end of the year. So much fun to watch! Of course the fact that both the men's and the women's basketball teams won the same day made it all the sweeter.

Janet, Jess and Jere came over Saturday night and we had fun playing Beatles Rock Band...first time we've played it. The songs are great and it's so much fun to be singing the "oldies" again. I surprised myself at how much of "I Am the Walrus" I remembered!

Carol and Mark came over for dinner last night for "Little Christmas," we had fish and chips from Occum (the best!) and then pumpkin pie. I tried a little cole slaw last night, with no problems. I'm adding fiber to my diet. Something new I'm trying....

Tomorrow Mary Anne comes over for dinner and another "Little Christmas." It just goes on and on here.....nice!

I got ambitious and made myself walk up to the mailbox. Maybe some physical activity will get me energized. That's what Sandy says anyway, and I tend to believe her.

Now I'm going to go take a nap. I should point out that I got up at noon and here it is 2pm and I'm ready to go to sleep....see what I mean?

UPDATE: Anne Marie called, I start chemo next Friday at 9:30! YAY!!!

Nighty night!