Friday, January 16, 2009

YES Chemo...And MORE!

So we schlep up to Providence. I turn in my big bucket of urine....collected over 24 hours...and they tell me they don't need a 24 hour urine! NOW YOU TELL ME! After I collect my pee, pour it in the big jug and put it in the cooler with ice!

They drew my bloodwork and then I sit and await the verdict on the chemo. Good news! (Lynne is going to be mad)...I can have the chemo!

AND.....AND.....we ask the results of the CA 1245....Anne Marie (the 2nd) says, "seven." We say WUH???? She repeats, "seven!" UNBELIEVABLE!!! From 53 to seven! From 2750 to seven!

I told Sandy that it was because I asked my "blog buddies" to send the good vibes my came through again, folks!

We had decided that if I had chemo today, the "warriors" would be from a Native American tribe...Sioux if the CA 125 count was high....Mohegans if it was low. I don't need the Sioux this time around...I need the soothing personalities of the Mohegans...who will use diplomacy to get the remaining cancer cells to leave peacefully. I trust that job to the Mohegans.

So, I'm here with my new friend Cynthia, who is here to get two blood transfusions. She'll be here for a few we are gabbing away. My friend Patricia, who I met last time, is here, but in a different room.

Lynne, I'm sorry you "missed out" on this time! I am happy though that I'm banging out another chemo session...

Oh...and MORE good's an embarassment of riches really....the chemo protocal calls for only SIX sessions of chemo, not the eight that I thought! So, with today's session, I'm halfway there!

Actually, I have MORE sessions than that...but only three more of the "big sessions," the ones that take all day. The remainder (22 in all) will be short sessions, with only one drug and only once a month.

Okay, soon they will be pumping the benadryl into me and I'll be getting I'll sign off now. I might have more to report as the day goes I reserve the right to come back later.


Lynne said...

I am definitely not mad. I am absolutely thrilled with all your wonderful news. 7 is one of my favorite numbers. I hope to be your chemo buddy another time.

Anonymous said...

STELLAR!! We are so happy for you guys. Your imagery and all of the positive things you are doing is obviously working. 7 huh? Guess that's not such an unlucky number after all. Stay warm and get some rest.

Anonymous said...

Lynnne...I was just kidding about you being mad...I know you must have loved being able to stay snuggled up nice and warm under the covers this AM! soon as I heard "seven" I said, "seven has always been a number I am attracted to!" It's not a 'lucky number per se" but it's a number I'm close to for some reason. Sevens and threes have featured prominently in my life.

Jack Ballenger said...