Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Taking Charge

So, by now, most of you know the good news:  my CT scan showed that everything is "stable" and I opted to continue my "chemo vacation" with the blessing of my oncologist.  Someone said, "oh, I'm so happy you are cancer-free."  Nope, I'm not "cancer free"...I still have cancer, it's just staying stable...the lesions I have are the same size from CT scan to CT scan...and my "numbers" on my bloodwork are low. 

I am taking matters into my own hands about my abdominal pain and am using a lot of homeopathic remedies to help it.  I drink aloe juice now which really helps soothe everything and I swig the "gripe water" (ginger and fennel) which helps alot.  I can go for longer periods now when my abdomen does not hurt...YAY!   The Green Market has been a good resource for me...I go there at least twice a week now. 

The pain in my side waxes and wanes...but never goes away.  I go to the allergist tomorrow, finally and hope he has at least a partial answer to what the hell this is!  Watch, it will all be GAS!    I have been getting better in that department and we all know how much gas that can't come out can really hurt.  Maybe I just have to fart for a day (and a half) and everything will be fine. 

Anyhoo, as the chemo gets further and further in the rear view mirror, I feel better.  I notice an increase in energy.  I have been taking a remedy for that too and that helps big time!  I have been able to do more around the house, go out more and last longer before the fatigue hits.  And when the fatigue does hit, I recover faster.  I just have to lie flat for a bit and I can get up and go again.

This weekend we are heading to New Hampshire and Maine.  New Hampshire first for "Wag-it Games" a doggie camp where the dogs will be playing different games.  We'll be taking the RV, of course and staying over Fri-Sun.  Monday we move to Saco, where we will be staying at the KOA.  Tuesday Sandy will be driving the car up to Augusta, to take Bubbles to see the vet up there.  I'll stay back with Rocket and relax.  Truman will go along for the ride to Augusta.

Rocky has an eye infection of unknown origin.  Poor guy has to go back to the vets today because it isn't responding as well as we hoped.  He has had to skip dock diving, going in the water treadmill at PT and his agility classes.  He has been rather "reserved" also....quieter and more pathetic looking.  I hope he feels good enough to enjoy his weekend of games!

The Seaside gang came over Monday night and we had a great time.  I got to show them the bathroom and the RV and we had great food (which they brought) and caught up a bit on what is going on with us.

The weather has turned a bit in the direction I like to in the shade and warm in the sun.  I've been harvesting my roma tomatoes and have frozen three batches thus far.  Some kind of weird thing is hitting the "heritage" romas that we planted and I haven't been able to harvest too many usable ones.  It's a shame because they are nice big romas.  

We have enjoyed the "fruits of the garden" this summer...the squash, beans, corn and tomatoes.  The egg plant are now coming in, but they are small.  I dunno if they will get bigger...this is the first time we have planted them. 

The corn stalks are HUGE.  We'll let them dry and then bunch them around the arbor as a decoration...recycling them.

Oh, and I'm ALWAYS soliciting $$ and walkers/runners for my team "Annie's Army" for the Ovarian Cancer Coalition walk in September---the 22nd.  If you can donate, volunteer (we need volunteers) or walk/run (and there are no "walk police"....if you sign up to walk/run and don't do it, no one will say a word!)....let me know.  I'll be happy to help!  My NOCC Home Page    click on this to go to my page.

Okay, time to get back upstairs to finish the laundry. 
