Saturday, July 11, 2009

Chemo yesterday. Drove myself up and back. Felt a bit light-headed and "weird" for awhile immediately after the treatment was over. I recall having a similar sensation last time...but it doesn't last too long.

Took a nap when I got home. Slept in this AM and then took another nap in the afternoon.

Katie called to let me know that they were heading back to the hotel from being at Quaddick all day. I took a shower, hopped in the car and met them there.

We went to the Mexican restaurant that is where Chuck's Steak House used to be...attached to the King's Inn. I had fish tacos, delicious! Everyone liked their meal and we had a good time.

Then we went to McDonald's for ice cream and the kids played on the big gym equipment they have there. I was fading again, so I hit the road after I had my mocha drink...which was also delicious.

Tomorrow they are coming down here and we'll all go to the Stonington Fair. They got to go to the beach yesterday and they all had quite a good time boogey boarding. The kids had never done it before and took to it fast. Katie had done it once before and enjoyed it as much this time as she had when she was a kid. I wish I had been able to go with them...boogey boarding is one of my favorite things to do in the summer.

Ernie got his new dog---a rescue from Alabama. The poor dear is traumatized by her trip....but Ernie is doing all the right things...and she has settled down to sleep on his bed. He says she is a mix of Funky, Bum and Daisy...which must be quite the thing. They were all great dogs. I hope she calms down and enjoys herself soon.

It's raining again. Had one big long roll of thunder...Lily just raised her head a little and looked at me, because she's downstairs. If she was upstairs she'd be panting and going nuts. She is a strange dog.

I hope it doesn't thunder again...I'm going up to bed and I want to stay up there and not have to come back down with her---and sleep in the recliner again.

Nighty night

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Trying to catch up a bit on the kid's visit. Yesterday they came down in the AM and we went on a big shopping spree at Kohl's. I bought them shoes, socks, undies and then we starting finding bargains in tops, dresses, etc. I won't say how much I spent, but I SAVED $295!!!! WOOF! The kids were happy with their stuff though and that's what matters.

Then we came back to the house and had lunch out on the deck with Sandy, who stopped her lawn mowing long enough to join us. The kids then had fun playing with the Wii and the Rock Band games while Sandy and Bob conversed with Carol (who came over for a visit) and then Bob and Lera took a nap in my recliner while the rest of us played with the Wii Fit. Grannie Annie did the best on all of the challenges...but only because none of the rest of them had ever done the stuff before! Wii Fit age yesterday was 51!! I'm doing good. I haven't done the Wii in awhile, so I really need to get going on it again.

I made supper for everyone, they ate and then piled in Bob's car and mine (we have to take two cars wherever we go) to go for ice cream at the stand down the was pouring, so we ate inside. Then they all headed north and I went home to collapse!

They just called to let me know they are en route to my house again....we're going to go eat and then go to the aquarium, I think. We were hoping to go to Gillette's Castle for a picnic, but the weather is not the I think an indoor thing would be best.

They are coming back here to eat dinner before they head back to the hotel. I don't think Sandy is too happy about it...she was giving me the look when I was telling Bob on the phone that it was all right. Truman has surgery tomorrow and she's all worried about it. Wait...she doesn't even know if he will need surgery---he's going for his dental check-up and sometimes that means he has to have extra work done.

nyway, she has class tonight with Truman and Bubbles-she won't be home when the kids are here, if I time it right. And besides....why can't I have my family here? Her family comes here-the kids stay over and everything! It's my house too! I'm not going to let her giving me the "look" stop me from having my family here for dinner. Especially since dinner is a casserole that Mike made that we just have to heat up!

Baby Lera is warming up to me. She actually let me kiss her yesterday. And she smiles at me. She has the sweetest smile...I was laying in bed this AM (couldn't sleep) and thought of her smile and it made me smile.

We got some good pictures yesterday. When I have time I'll post some here and the whole set on Facebook.

Tomorrow I won't see them as I have chemo in the AM and will do the right thing and come right home and take a nap. I think they may go swimming somewhere--we had been talking about going to the beach tomorrow--until I remembered the chemo appt! Saturday I have to lay low maybe we'll take them swimming at Quaddick and then to the Mexican restaurant at the hotel.

I want to take Katie to see Bob Miller...we'll have to do that Saturday or Sunday. So much to do and so little time...that's the way it always is. They all fly home on Monday.

Well, I better get the car packed with my stuff.....

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Katie and the kids (Mariah, Tim and Lera) arrived on time and Bob and I picked them up at the airport. We all stopped for dinner at Cindy's Diner for dinner-had a great time.

Then we got them to Putnam where they are staying at the King's Inn...which is run-down, but clean. The kids were beyond tired, so we had them go for a swim, in the hopes it would help them fall asleep. I guess that didn't work, they stayed up until 10 Katie said.

This AM I drove up to Bob's, who was making breakfast for everyone...the kids helped make the pancake batter, while Katie and I set the table. We had a great breakfast and then I had to go to Dr. Botta's office, to meet Bob Miller and Wini there. Bob had an appt with Dr. Botta and the doctor wanted me to to be there. I am now my father's conservator (should he need one).

The appointment was good news and bittersweet all at the same time. Bob Miller is doing better than I thought, but he is losing his memory faster now, as I suspected. Dr. Botta is taking good care of him and is looking to the plans that need to be made for the future. After the appt we went and got an application for Westview, so Bob can get his name on the waiting list...just in case he ever needs that level of care.

I had lost my wallet somewhere last night and was quite concerned about where it could be. I thought (and Katie did too) that I had had it when I was in the hotel room. We went back to the hotel, no soap. Well, I KNEW I had it when Mariah and I had stopped at Price Chopper in Putnam. So I went back there. Sure enough, they had it at the Customer Service desk! What honest folks there are in Putnam. I don't know where it was found...maybe I left it at the register...I had to show him my driver's license. More likely I dropped it on the way out.

That was a relief! I went up to Bob and Wini's to get a stack of New Yorkers he had for me. Then I came home...just in time for the thunderstorms.

Bubbles has a new hideout when it storms or she is afraid of fireworks...she gets in her kennel in Sandy's car! She followed me out to the garage the other day and didn't want to come back in. I was trying to figure out what she wanted and I got the bright idea to let her in the car...sure enough, she hopped right in and curled up! So, I left her out there during the fireworks. She was fine.

Sandy remembered that today when it started storming and Bub got upset. When I came in from the garage she asked me if I had seen my little pal out there....she was in the car again! Hey, it works! Good for her.

Tomorrow Bob, Katie and the kids will be here at around 10:30. We'll go shopping for Husky and Patriots gear for them at Kohl's and then they will have lunch here--Bob is bringing a casserole Mike made up for them. They can check out the house and yard and later in the afternoon it's up to Bowditch Lake to Dennis and Kathy's for a cookout. Should be fun...I hope the weather cooperates!

I'm trying to figure out how Katie can come with me Friday for my chemo appt without it involving me driving all over the place. Mayebe she could drive down here with Bob's car, come with me and then drive back. Hmmmmm.......we'll discuss it. That would mean Bob would have to take care of the kids...not that he's not capable of it....

We'll figure something out.

Nighty night...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sunny Sunday....again!

Up and busy early....feeding the dogs, vacuuming the house and getting the kayak out. Barb came and we loaded the kayak on her truck and then we were off to Hopeville to meet the gals.

We paddled across the pond and got as far as the Pachaug River when the gals got tired so we turned around and headed back. We were out there for about two hours.

Charmine, Pat, Deanna and Lorraine came back to the house and we cooked out. Hamburgers, salad, corn on the cob and baked beans. We had a good time eating on the deck. First time this year we were able to do that! Afterwards we all went up to Buttonwood Farm for ice cream. I can only eat half a cone, if there is such a's so rich! Then we all went our separate ways. Sandy and I wandered around Pachaug pond for a bit, checking out houses down there.

When we got home we sat out back for awhile, listening to the birds and watching the dogs running around in the yard. Truman was busy with something by the shed....Bubbles got in trouble for eating poop and ran off to the deck to sulk; Lily lay down next to us and Rocky raced around strictly for the joy of running. It was a very nice evening.

Tonight I get to bed early, I hope...and I hope I can sleep. Tomorrow Katie and the kids arrive from Phoenix. I'm going to meet Bob at the airport and then drive back to his place, following them. We can't all fit in the car together I don't think. I'll help them get settled at the hotel and then head home. Tuesday I'll go up to Bob's for breakfast with the kids and Katie....before I have to go to the doctor with Bob Miller.

So...I may not be posting here for awhile...I'll be busy with Katie and the kids and Bob...we hope to go boogey-boarding at the beach one day....and I have to take them shopping for Red Sox and Patriots and UConn gear for everyone. We're also talking about going to Gillette's Castle one day...maybe going on the steam train trip too....we'll see.

Anyway, I'll write when I come up for air!

Nighty night....