It seems that chemo can't get to me, but a simple cold throws me for a loop! I have been miserable with a stuffed up nose, cough, eyes and teeth hurting...the whole works. I called Monday to see if I could get in to see Kathleen, but the earliest was I took it. Beggars can't be choosers.
In the meantime, Sandy got me cough medicine, which helped and I started doing sinus lavages, that has helped relieve a lot of the pressure. Yesterday was bad, today is tolerable. Watch, by the time I get in to see Kathleen, I'll be totally cured!
Well...I hope so. I have chemo on Thursday and don't want to miss it because of a stupid cold. This reminds me that I need to get some masks to keep in my purse and car, just in case. Back to the old routine I guess.
This weekend I decided that I want to host our family Christmas gathering. For years, Phil and Renee have been hosting it for us, a joint venture with Renee's family. We enjoy seeing them, but it does get very noisy, because the Millers are loud people, and confusing for my dad. We exchange gifts after the Menards leave and that makes it a very late night for all, especially the Bristol faction of the family. That's a long drive back down Rte 44 late at night.
So, anyway, I decided to hold a gathering here this year. We'll see how it goes. We'll do a smorgasbord, like my mother used to do and we'll have it during the day so people get home early. I'm looking forward to it.
I think the Menards will enjoy having some peace and quiet on Christmas Eve, maybe they will be able to hear themselves think with all the loudmouths out of the room! Of course that means it's gonna get loud here, will have to think of something to do with the dogs. I think we'll kennel them upstairs, with the tv on...that will keep them happy.
I missed Mary McKay's retirement party last night. I was supposed to speak, so I sent my stuff on to Scott, who read it for me. Sounds like it was a great time...I am totally bummed that I missed it.
I had to miss work too...this week I was scheduled to work every day...making the big bucks. Instead I had to call out from Mon-Wed....I had already canceled Thursday due to the chemo...there wouldn't be enough time for me to get from Providence to Farmington....I'm hoping I can make it in for Friday.
Sandy has been attending the Backus nurses' contract negotiations meetings and I continue to be struck by the unprofessional behavior of the administration. It is obvious that they don't respect the nurses. Last night, they came to the meeting, stayed for a half hour, caucused for two hours and then said they were going to break for dinner. Sandy left in disgust at that point, but what about the nurses who were on the negotiation team, who had worked all day?
The hospital is paying big bucks for their lawyer, who still hasn't done much from this vantage point, except his big fees. The adversarial position the administration is taking is disturbing...but not surprising, that attitude is what led to the nurses unionizing in the first place. They are not treated with respect.
With all the sexual abuse scandals in the paper currently, one would think that this type of news would have lost it's power to shock, however, I was shaken when one hit home. One of my former staff was arrested on charges that he sexually abused two residents of the home where he worked. This sickened me, as the people in this particular home cannot speak and are non-ambulatory....they rely on staff for assistance with most things. If the charges are true, it's devastating to the victims, the families and the staff who work there. If the charges are false, the effect is almost as devastating, if assaults occurred, who was the perpetrator. How will the residents, families and staff ever find trust matter if the charges are true or not?
Jean got a new car. Well, Sandy did the negotiations and Jean is going down to the dealership today to pick up her 2012 Hyundai Sonata. Can't wait to see her with her new wheels. She said that this is the last car she will buy. She tends to keep her cars for 10 years or so...that means she would be well into her 80's when this one fizzles out.
Sandy and Frank got the cover on the themselves. I was supposed to go help them put it on, but was too sick to help. Sandy said it wasn't too bad. The only thing is she didn't have anything big enough to put over the skylight in the shower. The RV guys recommended that we put plastic milk crates over the fans and skylights, to protect them from the weight in case we have an ice storm. So, if we do have an ice storm, we will have to check the shower. At least if it cracks or breaks any rain/etc. will fall into the shower area and can drain out.
The Tasmanian Tree Devil came last week and took out a bunch of trees and trimmed all the fruit trees. Does it look nice out back! They took down the cherry tree by the driveway that was in the way when we parked the RV. Now we can put the RV on a straight line along the edge of the driveway. I still want to pave an area next to the drive and have an electrical outlet installed out there, for the RV. Have I mentioned lately how much I miss that rig???
Looks like I'll be buying Celtics tickets for Andrew for Christmas again. I haven't heard the latest, but it sounded positive for the NBA lock-out to be over. Notice the silence of the fans in this whole process? I haven't heard of anyone making a stink, pushing the sides to settle. Once they settle and post a schedule, I'll see what I can do to get our fannies in some seats in Beantown.
The Huskies are looking good, both teams. Both teams are young and learning and I always find that the most exciting part of the whole thing. Seeing the kids learn, grow up and do well. This KML kid playing for the women has already been named Freshman of the week for two weeks running. She is another Maya Moore and she is going to be LOTS of FUN to watch for the next four years.
I wasted time in my last therapy session telling my therapist about what a horrible person Charlotte McCullough was. Now I have to figure out why....which means I have to think about Charlotte. That is sick...
I'm trying to think of something pleasant to overpower that last bit....
Steak, stuffed potatoes and corn for supper! There, that should do it.