It was bittersweet being there. So many, many great memories of sad that she is gone.
Rachel had put together a great slide show that they had playing at the funeral parlor...there was one picture of Vee that really touched me...she is going to send me a copy of the slide show.
Sat with Pam and Jan at the church, where the priest actually acknowledged that Vee was Rachel's SPOUSE!!! And noted their 29 year relationship. That was the CATHOLIC CHURCH! Crazy!
I heard a rumor that Rachel originally wanted the service at the church in N. Grosvenordale, Vee's old church, but the priest hemmed and hawed about their relationship, so she went to Putnam for the service. Kudos to Putnam.
Sunday we went to the SNEAK brunch banquet at Frank's Gourmet Grill....excellent! We had fun, sitting with the J's, Kristi and Todd. We discussed tentative plans for the television show...Janet will co-host with me and Todd wants to be "someone who comes on the show a lot." We got to laughing about potential topics, including having Todd come on to talk about his Sea Monkeys. It's going to be a fun show.
I'm back on the BOD, this time as club secretary. There was no drama at this year's elections, thankfully. I think we have a good group in the club's down to a manageable level and the people we have are workers! We have some young people in the club now and they are bringing good ideas and energy. One young woman is working on a brochure for the club and so far it looks great! Maybe we'll get a picture of one of our dogs in there.
I'm having beaucoup problems with our internet connection and we are suspecting more and more that it's the wireless router that is the culprit. I tried to hook up the wireless printer and that's when the trouble started. I could install it properly, but it always says it's off-line, but the printer shows that it's getting a signal. Then the iPhones couldn't connect to the wireless...then the laptops...and now it happens sporadically.
Looks like I'll be purchasing a new router...this time I'll go for a more powerful that will reach to the back Sandy can work out there while she's in her recliner...with her doggies on her lap. She'd love that.
Yesterday I went down to the studio and ran the "George" camera for the Batons. It was fun being back there, working with the guys. They have two guys who help them in the control room and they have already offered to help me! They come down from Danielson. Gary Beaudoin is one of them and I met his Mom yesterday....she lives in the convalescent home near the police barracks up in Danielson....don't know what it's called the old days it was Stula Pavilion and then Canterbury Villa...I don't care what they call it....I don't like it.
Anyway, she was a nice woman and we had a nice chat. She comes down with them from time to time to sit in on the show. I invited her to be an audience member for our show when we go on the January.
That last phrase reminded me that I needed to call Dr. Gamble to see if she can be on the show with us again. I just called and left a message for her to call me. I'm hoping she can do it...we used to be on Monday nights, now the show will be on Thursdays and I don't know if the vet clinic is closed then, or if she would have to be working.
Oh, I hope she can do it...she is a popular part of the show. People love her and she is so easy to talk to.
Tonight the Huskies take on Baylor, the #2 ranked team. BIG GAME! I have Janet, Jess and Joanne coming over. The J's + a J, I say. I think the Huskies will win, they are playing at home, they have Maya and Tiffany (who came up HUGE in the Holy Cross game) and they have more experience on the floor than Baylor will. Baylor does have Brittany Griner and the Huskies don't have much in the middle to defend her. Heather Buck and the freshman are not going to get that job done. Unless they decide to surprise us.
I am so happy with the freshmen that the Huskies is going to be a joy to watch them grow and flourish there. We have gotten to see that process over many years now, it's always different with each group...but this group is going to be more fun than pain.
Okay, back to cleaning house. ABBA's Greatest Hits is over and it's time to vacuum. Then it's on to upstairs to dust and clean. Then I will take a nap before the company gets here.
Later! GO HUSKIES!!!