We have been "house bound" for the past few days, due to the weather. I worked two days last week, went out to Charmine and Pat's Sunday for a great get-together with them and Deanna and Lorraine. Sandy was stuck at home due to being on call and having a hellacious time of it....16 servers went down one day....OUCH!
The Huskies pleased me no end Monday night when they whupped, I mean WHUPPED, Duke at Gampel Pavilion. What a game! Maya and Co put on a show. Later, Stephanie Dolson, our freshman center, said she had never been so excited in a game. That's huge!
I'm a bit worried about the amount of snow (and now, ice) we have on our garage roof and wishing we had raked it prior to this last storm. I say "we" but I wouldn't be allowed anywhere near the roof, let alone the snow rake, if we even had a roof rake. I didn't know there were such things as roof rakes until last week. I think we are going to invest in one.
The snow on the house is not bad, the pitch of the roof is steep enough, and the warmth from the house/chimney leaks out enough to aid with some of the meltage. Is that a word? Meltage? But the pitch of the garage is not as steep, or the lack of heat in the garage, makes for a situation where the snow is slow to melt off the roof.
I got a call from a reporter at the Norwich Bulletin the other day. She wanted to come over yesterday (in the rain and ice) to interview me for an article she's doing for Veteran's Day. She's interviewing vets from the area. I told her that I "never saw any action," she didn't care. Hmmmm....anyway, she's coming next Tuesday afternoon. We'll see. I don't like talking to reporters, especially about topics that I can't control. It was one thing to talk about the dog park, I had the info and the subject was "small." The topic of being a veteran can go into a lot of areas, hmmmmm....
She said she got my name from the internet...don't know where, she was vague about it. So, I "googled" her and found out she's legit. Turnabout is fair play. She's probably a very nice person...I have to "lose my edge" before she gets here.
I was supposed to go up to Putnam yesterday to be with Bob and go through boxes of photos, etc. with him. Wini was going to take that opportunity to go out with her friend, to get a break. Of course the weather didn't cooperate. I have to call to reschedule. It seems that every time we schedule something for a Wednesday, there is a storm. We have had a lot of Wednesday storms....
Tonight we are doing the second Hometown Pets show. We didn't have a second one last month due to the weather. Hoping we pull it off tonight. I don't have a camera man and I don't have anyone to do the directing in the studio. Don't know if I'm going to be able to continue to have a show if I don't get more help. I wish I could have a number of people trained, so they only had to do it every once in awhile, not every show. Oh well...we'll see how it goes.
Sue Ponder is coming on the show tonight, hopefully bringing one of her pups....We are going to talk about the "Sunny Fund", which is to be used by the Norwich Animal Control Officer to get medical care for sick/injured animals she has in "custody" and for grooming for dogs/cats to prepare them for adoption. The fund is named after a dog who's name was Sunny...who was rescued by the ACO, after living in horrific conditions. She had a heart condition and we raised money for her heart surgery. The surgeon ended up adopting her and gave her a great life for the three years that she lived after surgery. The fund has money in it and we want to build it so other animals will benefit.
I'm looking for guests for the next show on Feb 17. I have invited Lynne, and am awaiting her word. If you are reading this and want to be on the show, or know someone who would be a good guest, let me know!
Well, I have to get my chores done. Duty calls....